Sunday, November 09, 2008
oh yes. is finally over.
now, i want to occupy myself with:
1. games
2. more tvs shows
3. shoppingss
4. buying birthday gifts (sorry to those for belated presents) =x
5. hanging out with my girlfriends
6. suntan
7. cross stitch for mum's birthday
8. continuing with flatmates
9. piano
10. polishing nails
11. my poor kiki and koko
12. suppers
13. updating blog
14. nice long peaceful sleep
15. etc........
14th is the first to fulfill. which i did it from yesterday 6pm till 9am today. conclusion, continuous sleep for 15 hrs caused back aches. hurs
Cant seems to enjoy much at the moment. MAB paper sux. guess this time moderation wont help me. blame goes to me, myself. lack of revision. damn it.
The only thing and place i wish to travel now is
YESss. to screamm my HEAD OFF!
eeww, i dont know why my font turned out pink even after putting it black. argh! got to stop here. Uncle samri chose the right time to deliver 300+ wines to shop today. more packing and squeezing to do >.<
a letter written by ying
2:06 PM