Wednesday, July 30, 2008
dad's birthday is around the corner! and ermmm someone else too. heh
finally, i can spare some time shopping for my present. =D
heard that bencoolen sell watches with lower price. yea so serene and i dropped by to take a look.
Attracted to some. And now, i have trouble choosing it. oh gawd~ headache headache!
Mum was too eager for me to reach home that night. cause she kept calling me.
she rushed towards the door when she heard my keys.
holded my hands and guided me to my study table.
i saw my present!
it's a small and simple lappie! =Dthough it's kind of different but i love it! hehatleast, i didnt have to fight over a com with my brother.
same goes to dad, mum bought him a better lappie of coz. haa
thanks for the gift.
i appreciated it!
love you, mum =]
i bet dad was smiling in his dream.
a letter written by ying
1:13 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
a letter written by ying
2:01 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
have been busy working with elyn for the last weekends. three words. Tiring but fun!
travelling is killing my butt for sure. i pray that someone will invent a machine for teleporting in the near future. (i need that very much to go school) heh!
for the first two days, we were keeping each other 'busy' with some activities. haha
i didnt catch the last bus on sat. shitty shit, so i went elyn's house to stay over.
Twinkle is more obedient this time but she was kind of jealous seeing us eating cup noodles for supper! =p
next morning, nua-ing too much on bed caused us to call elyn's inexpensive chauffeur to fetch us to work. in short, it's cab. lol
Area cleaning for the day!
Take a look at the untidy shop first.

Empty dusty cartons were all over the place. Sniffing dusts were unavoidable. Washing, sweeping, wiping, moping the place hurts our backs. ouch! sleepless night =(
we saw some creepy crawlies. i saw a spider which seems to have more than 8 thin legs. eeek! i flushed that poor spider down the toilet bowl =( sorry!
anyway, it would be good if i am that hardworking to tidy my house. hur
here are some before-s and after-s~

Spot any difference? lol for your info, the 930 bin stinks like cow dung. goodness sake! Non-stop laughters are giving us a hard time holding our breath. haha!
met an irritating man in the evening but combination of meiji milk and cookies made our day. =]
Our hardwork is appreciated! *winkss*
[ dream is always a dream, maybe it's better this way ]
a letter written by ying
12:02 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's short & simple.
It's a long waited conversation.
It's nothing about our past.
It's just like our very first chat.
It's cold, like strangers.
It's an unexplainable feeling, a complicated one.
a letter written by ying
1:10 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pictures received! its time to blog about Ms Serene's 21st birthday celebrated on 3rd July!
Dined at somewhere that sell different kinds of fish (sorry i forgot the place) hurs.
Surprised her with Kate Spade's wristlet caused i lied to her its out of stock on the day before. which made her a happy girl =Dwe bought her yummy chocolates from a nice chocolate shop. (forgot the shop, again)
its delicious anyway! but it has already melted when we started eating. opss
after dinner, we walked along clark quey to the Arena.
Had a madness night! A picture speaks a thousand word.
here it goes~
8 years of friendship. still counting on =)

des is going red!

khean loong, rene & ying wen
serene is getting high! where's your hand positioning? lol!everyone is pouring ice into her top. this explained why she did that. haha =x
oh! now is her turn! dig! dig! dig!! lols

Kisses everywhere! Love's in the air~ <3
Fun, happening night left a big bomb on birthday girl =x
a letter written by ying
3:24 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
we paid fares to tour around chua chu kang LRT.first, serene need to meet a seller to collect her shoe she bought online.secondly, i need to collect textbook from zh. miscommunication made us wait at the wrong LRT. lolswhile waiting at the LRT, we saw artistic drawings on the wall. each drawings have a title beside we tried to guess title for each drawing. (trying to see who will guess correctly)after so much thinking, we went forward to take a look at the title.picture: a turtle tied around with balloons in the sky.title: Flying turtle -.-picture: earth on a frying pan.title: Frying EarthWTH lame shit. loltired of this game.eventually, we started to fool felix through sms. hahano Mr bean nearby to clear our thirst. boo!traveling and waiting is killing us on our heels.After everything is done,we planned to take bus straight home to yishun. BUT in the end, we didnt get ourselves any seat. kaka bites![ someone just didnt know how to use a brain to think, wake up pls! ]
a letter written by ying
2:53 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday! its waffle day! yummy =pwoke up early in the nose killed the silent night.the tong tong qiang killed the peaceful morning.and the cracking sound of the door woke the other 2 girls up. opss sorry, thats my fault =xbefore i leave the house. serene and i were trying to scare fiona with fake fly and the end, fiona asked "eh? what is that?", after seeing it. -.-and added "haha. your tricks are lousy man!"you betta watch out next time then.ok headed down to city hall with jiamei, elyn and yl for gelare's waffles! baba put aeroplane last min! =(next tue ok? hoho
Yay! i managed to eat my favourite wild berry ice cream! woots~
It happen that i have my nail polish with me. so i did paintings on 11 fingers. whose extra finger is that? you should know who you are. hah!
oh, i was not late for class. that was just my second time being early =x
Met serene for more shoppings in the evening.
she bought a size 14 top from Topshop. gawd~
[ you're smiling ]
a letter written by ying
1:39 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
its supposed to be monday blue.but no work after school feels great!fiona is having her off day too! so its time for the girls to meet up =]
headed to town with fiona n serene.
its been a long time since we last catch a movie together. yea so we spent our evening laughing in cinema, watching 'Get Smart'. indeed a lame show for u to LOL.
we chilled at Coffee Club house after movie with mudpies. yummy! Ms wu pyscho-ed us to her house. fiona and i rushed back home to prepare stuff for the following day before going. lucky i managed to catch the last bus.
i miss serene's bed! but its single bed now~ boo
its another mahjong night! err, on bed.
Q: why on bed?
A: to reduce noise and avoid moving the heavy giant table.
Poor fiona lost 3.2 bucks for consecutive 8 rounds. haha! too bad for us, cause is fake money. hur
As usual, we had our 'bed time stories' before sleeping. tired day~
*my nose killed me*
a letter written by ying
2:36 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
i am glad to realise a girl, maybe a bitch,
a letter written by ying
2:30 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
School. Work. School. Work.
finally a day for MAHJONG! lol
with elyn, wayne, zhongren and mr cyl.
rushed down from work to elyn's house on friday night before missing the last bus.
Twinkle welcome us with her BARKs, very loud ones. lol! and the lady boss served us root beer float! yummy! (but the left overs looked disgusting) hurs.
after everyone have arrived. its mahjong time~
- conversations from 1am to 4am:
- PONG !
- CHI !
- PONG !
- KANG !
- HU !!!
shouting the most HU is Mr Chin Yann Liang. the person who won the most and the only winner for the day. roar! steamboat treat~
After mahjong, we walked to the nearest coffee shop for pratas. food food~
we had a long chat till the dawn break. so its time for us to head home and sleep.
everyone slept like lazy pigs except for yl who needs to work and only zr turned up for sat's law lecture. the only discipline one. haha
a letter written by ying
1:50 PM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Dropped down at UE square for wine tasting! all red wines really yucks for my taste buds =xbut thumbs up for Villa M!elyn n i headed down to Central Mall. wanted to munch donut for lunch but we ended up in a japan snacks shop. we shop like free. then we realised a note at the cashier "Pay by Cash only" -.-i left 5 bucks. 10 bucks for elyn. lol we felt so 'poor' at the moment. Rushed down for school after that. yay, finally i am early for lesson! hurs
GELARE WAFFLES! woots 50% off on tuesday =D
get well soon pog! and i will try not to get sick next week. lol
i want my wild berries flavour. heh
*School printer sux. is meant to spoil mood only*
a letter written by ying
3:03 PM
Monday, July 07, 2008
A happening day.
My age scared a tall guy away. Hurs
Then I realised. I am getting old.
a letter written by ying
2:55 PM