YESss. to screamm my HEAD OFF!
eeww, i dont know why my font turned out pink even after putting it black. argh! got to stop here. Uncle samri chose the right time to deliver 300+ wines to shop today. more packing and squeezing to do >.<
2nd August 2008
A day before my 21st birthday with my SIMates.
Had commercial law lesson early in the morning. Dragging and forcing myself to school. As usual, i was late, with jiamei this time. Not a very good start for the day, especially for the CYLs. =(
After listening 'stories' from lecturer, Jiamei miaoxian zhongren and me hopped into Nelson's car and headed town. To shop for my presents from them. heh
I got myself a bag and a Katespade cardholder =D
While waiting for our dinner to be serve. My birthday 'game' begins.
The pages of pigss above, tells the story of the whole night, which actually contained full of questions for me to guess. Guess incorrectly = FORFEIT! Roars! Thanks to the one who suggested it ar.
Ok. let's begin...
1. Say aloud 5 times: "Three big blobs of a black bug's blood." (read faster!!!)
Tongue Tighten! =x
2. Who's present?
Elyn. Yannliang. Jiamei. Miaoxian. Aaron. Wendy. Penny. Jiayi. Zhongren. Wayne. Nelson. Zhonghua.
3. Where did you hang out before dinner? What did you do?
Marina Square, Raffles City & City Link. Shop, shop, shop... =D
4. Where are we dining now?
SHOKUDO Japanese Pasta & Pizza
5. What did you order?
Ham & Mushroom in Wafu Cream tomato sauce. yummy!
6. Make FIVE funny faces and have your picture taken! -.-
6. STOP! ..... is dinner time! (Food arrived)
8. "Lacoste". Guess who?
Arron. Bingo!
9. If you've read Wine for Dummies... Please tell us what's a good wine?
Got help from Joe. Half a penalty. (but i forgot what i did for this) hurs
10. "I am not shorter than 1.66m and also not taller than 1.68m!". Guess who?
Kelly! Bingo! hoho
11. Borrow a stranger's specs. Wear it and take a picture.
*SNAP* ugly! not gonna upload. haha
12. "I'm sitting at the side of the row." Guess who? (Ans: Penny)
Jiayi? Boo! damn!
FORFEIT: Clear a stranger's plate.
13. "I'm sitting beside the one who wrote the piece of paper before me!". Guess who?
Wendy. Bingo! heh
Mx played with him. so she had a huge mole on her face. but too bad zh's makeup wasnt obvious enough(that's why i edited it lol). we should have ask him to put on red hot lipstick instead! LOL =x
Thanks to those who smsed/called to wish me too =]
28. "i'm a colleague. My name starts with a 'J' too." Guess who?
Mighty JoE! Bingo =D29. "i'm famous in cookies. If you guess wrongly, please gulp yourself 1.5L of mineral water." Guess who?
AMOS! (can i eat you? heh)
30. "Go to another table(not friends).... get them(guy) to buy you a drink!"Anyway, many thanks to you peeps for giving me a memorable day! <3>
3rd August 2008
Oh no...i m getting old!
met up with my ex-colleagues for lunch at sakura. sorry to keep you guys waiting! =x
Had a very heavy lunch, buffet. which is meant for you to stuff as much food as u can. hurs
they bought me an ice cream cake too! it suppose to be yummy... but sakura didnt put it in freezer for us -.- so it was melted inside. anyway, we have ahmad, who drank the ice cream all up. lols
Actually, we wanted to catch a movie. but someone watched almost all the movie. lol so we headed to mind's cafe instead.
Screams and shouts were all over the places. going deaf soon~
a girl next table have the same birthday as me! Happy birthday to you too =]
*test on the following day. boo!*
9th Aug 2008
Happy birthday Singapore! lols its kind of weird to say it now =x
While watching NDP on channel 5, my fingers were dialling 9238**** and 9862*** non-stop.
was waiting for my girlfriends and the others to reach my place for steamboat to celebrate my belated birthday. but stupid bitches either dont want to pick up or "eh i busy now... going to fetch my brother... call u later''. so fishy... hmmmm
Lucky jes and xiuhui came earlier.
Jes phone ranged and said he is going down for awhile. hmmm...
5 minutes later, i see ''fire'' at my door steps followed by...
hahaaa 8 of my friends will holding sparkling sticksss which is causing smoke everywhere. sorry neighbours =x
and i see my birthday cake! self-baked brownie brownie with rainbow beads =D
My 3 beloved babes dancing with the hotdogsss and crabmeatss.
Des, Rene, Nana , Dice and Xiuxiu. =]
There she is! busy preparing the meat. extra hands trying to act busy, cutting meat with you hands eh? dont act pro. lol oh i see mac.
The chef of the night! Mr desmond and Ms candice! Dad saw Des's chopping skills and suggested that should be the first to reach next time to prepare. haha =x
Jes is too hungry to wait. Why are you holding the cover?
FOOD! half of the food is at another table. it does not matter as long as i see my hotdogss and quail eggss =p
yay finally is time to eat! the clock just passed 9pm. opss! hungry hungry~ Dad fried my fav garlic! goes well with anything! so addictive...woots.
Camwhore while mahjong-ing. say HI to the ''Happy'' family!
J.F.C.S! 9 years old soon! =)
Polariod group photo! The others polariod pictures cmi. too dark due to someone's blurness for setting the camera for SUNNY day in indoor. hurs
Million of thanks for coming and the presents peepss! hehe cheers!
Empty dusty cartons were all over the place. Sniffing dusts were unavoidable. Washing, sweeping, wiping, moping the place hurts our backs. ouch! sleepless night =(
we saw some creepy crawlies. i saw a spider which seems to have more than 8 thin legs. eeek! i flushed that poor spider down the toilet bowl =( sorry!
anyway, it would be good if i am that hardworking to tidy my house. hur
here are some before-s and after-s~
for your info, the 930 bin stinks like cow dung. goodness sake! Non-stop laughters are giving us a hard time holding our breath. haha!
met an irritating man in the evening but combination of meiji milk and cookies made our day. =]